It was clear that we needed an electric car charger at the cabin
"It gives us the freedom to explore the local area without having to think about range and charging stations”, says Per Einar Sæbbe.

He and Nina Lind travel to their cabin all year around. During the winter, it takes only an hour to drive to the closest resort. During the summer, there are endless hiking opportunities in Ryfylkeheiene.
“We are active people and this area is like no other when it comes to the outdoors. When we go to the cabin, we enjoy heading out for the day or on overnight trips to explore the area”, Per Einar continues.
At the same time, the couple want the place they have invested so much time in to also be somewhere that people can come together, where both family and friends can come and spend a night or two.
“It’s a lot easier to invite people over to visit when we can offer charging. This was one of the most important reasons we realised we needed it here as well as at home”.
With a Zaptec charger, Per Einar and his family find it easy to jump in the car to explore everything that life in the countryside has to offer.
Nina Lind on a walk in Ryfylke together with her son, Petter Lind Sæbbe, and husband, Per Einar Sæbbe.
Found their dream place
After dreaming of a cabin for more than ten years, the couple finally bought the plot at Randøy during the spring of 2020. They had attended several viewings over the years but had never found their perfect match.
“We knew that we wanted a cabin, but we couldn’t quite decide where or whether it was more important to be close to the sea or the mountains”, Per Einar explains.
They were able to find both in Ryfylke.
When the Ryfast underwater tunnel was ready in 2019, the region was suddenly just a quick car journey away for the people of Sør-Rogaland. Per Einar and his wife were two of the many who were quick to jump in their car.
“We have a few neighbours who have cabins nearby and the weather was always beautiful whenever we visited, so when the plots became available, we had no choice but to make a move”, Per Einar said.
With an electric car charger at the cabin, Per Einar and the family can head to ski resorts during the winter and go trekking in the mountains in Ryfylkeheiene during the summer without having to consider where to find charging stations along the way.
Designed the cabin themselves
The couple were actively involved when it came to designing their holiday paradise. Per Einar designed the drafts for the cabin himself and sent these on to an architect. They signed a contract and bought the plot.
“Now we just have to find someone to build it”, wrote Per Einar on his Instagram account in February 2021, where he has been documenting the process since the very start. The cabin was ready the very same summer.
With large windows facing the fjord, smooth surfaces and concrete meeting wooden beams, few things have been left to chance. The choice of car charger also involved a lot of consideration.
“We are both keen on design and we designed our cabin to stand out, so it was important to find a charger that would match”, Per Einar says.
“We have built the cabin using concrete elements and played with modern and classical styles. And that is thankfully also the case when it comes to the Zaptec charger. It was great to finally see it against the concrete wall.”

Per Einar makes no secret of the fact that the stylish Zaptec design was one of the reasons for choosing this particular charger.
Zaptec best for safety
The Zaptec Go charging box was named the best electric car charger in 2022 by NAF. There were several reasons for this, but the Rogaland-based producer stands out when it comes to safety in particular.
NAF writes that “on the safety front, Zaptec is the only supplier that has shown that all DC monitoring requirements have been met, including being powerful enough to disconnect in the event of fault current. This makes Zaptec Go the safest choice of all the chargers tested.”
Per Einar, who is a long-term member of NAF, says that safety is a crucial factor when choosing a charger:
“When charging overnight, when electricity is at its cheapest, a safe charger allows us to sleep soundly!”