Electric Vehicle charging for students and employees with the University of Stavanger

At the University of Stavanger there are ready 32 charging stations that can be used by students and employees who drive electric cars. UiS expanded with 16 Zaptec charging stations
August is the start for students at the University of Stavanger, where 32 EV charging stations are now ready for use by students and employees who drive electric cars.

The University of Stavanger wishes to be an environmentally friendly campus and has started the change with environmentally friendly transportation. In May they extended the offer for EV charging with 16 new charging stations from Zaptec between Hagbard Line House and Pavilion 10. There are various payment solutions available, but the charging stations are for the moment left open for free use.
When we planned to increase the number of charging stations for UiS, we looked for local innovation and product quality. It is also pleasant to know that several of the employees at Zaptec have studied at UiS, says Roar I Huseby Head of Department at UiS
Charge your EV during the day
Charging stations are set up to only charge during the day between 06:00 and 23:00 on weekdays and from 09:00 to 23:00 on weekends. Read more at UiS here