Home care services drive EVs

There are 27 ZapCharger Proinstalled charging stations on a 63A fuse to meet the needs of Hundvåg and Storhaug home-based services for electric cars.

Hundvåg and Storhaug home care services started using electric cars in December 2017. They now have 27 EV cars for use between two to four employees during a day. The EVs are operated from 08.00 to 23.00 every day and is being charged during break and overnight.

Several employees were worried when they first heard they was going to start driving Evs – they were afraid of running out of power on the stretches they drive. In a period prior to the transition, the daily mileage was measured, and the type of EV was then selected based on the results they received. The choice was Volkswagen e-up! with up to 160km range. The transition has gone smoothly, and the employees are very pleased to drive an electric car. Especially in winter, as the EV is warming up quicker than their former fossil cars.

The landlord, in cooperation with the electrician DNF, has installed 27 ZapCharger Pro charging stations on a 63A fuse to meet the needs of Hundvåg and Storhaug home care services.

This installation is utilizing up to 4320 km per day of available capacity of 5160 km. When calculating available power to the charging system it is important to take into account different mileages, and in this case they had to calculate that each car should be able to charge 160km per day. Thus, they still have space for 5 cars / charging stations in the installation before the capacity is fully utilized.