Smart charging systems and growth in Swedish electric car market - Zaptec Sweden had positive growth and a strong growth the first full fiscal year.

Read more about the Swedish Tiger. The market in Sweden has increased rapidly and it has given Zaptec Sweden a revenue of 20 million SEK.
Zaptec is a young Norwegian technology company which, in just a short space of time, has become a leader in the field of smart charging systems for electric vehicles. Zaptec founded its Swedish subsidiary in 2019 and it has proven to be a success story.
It did not take long for Zaptec to become an established operator in the Swedish market and it has seen strong sales growth. In 2020, the first full fiscal year, Zaptec Sweden had a 20 MSEK revenue and a positive result at 1,4 MSEK. This demonstrates the widespread demand for green charging solutions to supplement the electric transportation sector in Sweden.

We are proud to report strong sales growth and a profit for Zaptec in Sweden despite what was a challenging year due to the pandemic. 2020 has proven to us that we have a stable business model and great products – not to mention our skilled organisation backing it all up, says Anna-Karin Andersen, CEO of Zaptec Sweden.

Fredrik Hegland, Ladeekspert i Zaptec
Anna-Karin Andersen,CEO, Zaptec Sweden
Zaptec Sweden’s growth in sales has continued into 2021. During the first month of 2021, the company sold almost ten times as many charging stations than it did in the course of 2019 as a whole. One of the driving factors behind this is the growth in the number of electric vehicles in the Swedish market.

Zaptec welcomes the significant growth in the number of electric cars in Sweden in general. We are seeking to cultivate a more eco-friendly approach to travel. It’s particularly gratifying that Zaptec is a driving force in enabling energy-efficient charging of these vehicles,’says Anders Thingbø, Zaptec Group CEO.

Further reading: Zaptec Sweden expansion
Zaptec Sweden is energised for further growth together with its partners. In the past year, its original fleet of 22 resellers has grown to around 120, and the network continues to grow. This is significantly improving availability when it comes to investments in electric car chargers.

At Zaptec, our partners are incredibly important to us. Our close cooperation means that we grow together, which is a major reason why we have experienced such strong growth, while also ensuring that you can charge your car using a Zaptec system almost anywhere in Sweden, Anna-Karin Andersen concludes.

About Zaptec
Zaptec was founded on Norway’s Atlantic west coast and is a fast-growing, green tech company specialising in smart EV charging systems. In the space of just a few years, Zaptec’s technology has been embraced by a significant proportion of electric car users, putting the company in pole position in the domestic market. As a market leader in a country at the cutting edge of green mobile infrastructure development, Zaptec’s ambitions extend beyond Norway’s borders and the company is now establishing a foothold in foreign markets from Europe to the USA. Zaptec Sweden’s legal entity is ZAPEV Charging Solutions AB.